Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Creativity Campaign

Creativity Campaign

The Knight Life: Creativity Campaign


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MacBook With Apple Display Flickers & Blackouts Over Thunderbolt Port

Apple ThunderboltEarlier this month, I bought a new MacBook Pro, the one with the new thunderbolt port which is 12 times faster than FireWire 800 and up to 20 times faster than USB 2.0. It also works with the Apple LED Cinema Display, which I have.

Or so they say.

For some reason, I and others with my configuration, are reporting in a Apple Help Forum that our displays flicker and go black every now and then for a second or two.

The flickering and blackouts happen initially a lot when you first plug in the display to the MacBook. Then over time, it slows down and towards the end of the day it either doesn't happen or I do not notice it anymore. But when I notice it, it is annoying.

As I said, there are others with my configuration reporting the same issue at the Apple Help Forum.

Apple Display

They have an Apple Display connected to their new MacBooks over the new Thunderbolt port. If you have this issue also, submit it via the Apple Bug Report form, cause as of now, no fix is in the works.

I certainly hope it is a software fix...

Here is a video of me capturing the issue twice:


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Face Lift

Face Lift

The Knight Life: Face Lift


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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Little Bounce For Obama From Osama Death

Newsweek / Daily Beast Poll Reveals American Voters Unaffected by President's bin Laden Victory


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I just love these brilliant Anatomical Nesting Dolls by Stuntkid, illustrator Jason Levesque.

via Urban Taster, Designspiration


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Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival 2011

Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival kicks off tonight with a drop-in cartoon workshop at the Bear Steps Gallery at 4.30pm, and a talk by Dr Nick Hiley from the British Cartoon Archive on the cartoons of Carl Giles at Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery at 7pm, tickets �5. In the meantime, the exhibition Personal Bests opened [...]


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Osama jokes: The laughter of being alive

Over at the New Yorker blog, cartoon editor Bob Mankoff notes that Osama bin Laden had disappeared off their humour radar for a while, the 2007 cartoon above being his last appearance. He takes a look at Osama cartoons down the years and notes that in the age of terrorism ? and this is no [...]


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JUNE 25-26, 2011


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This Week's Sneak Peek

I woke up from an odd dream this morning, which I suppose had something to do with cartoon I'd spent the previous evening drawing for Q Syndicate. I was in a group tour of the Supreme Court building being guided by none other than Chief Justice John Roberts. Instead of going in to the courtroom by the usual entrance, however, he took us in through a side room which looked like a classroom or conference room with a chalkboard and a few tables. The explanation for our detour was that one of the women in our group was pregnant.

The significance of that bit is completely beyond me.

Then Roberts left us to sit in on a press conference in the next room, and I noticed two of my cartoons on a table in that room. Then some clerk asked how to pronounce my name, but I woke up before discovering what that was about.


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Creativity Campaign

Creativity Campaign

The Knight Life: Creativity Campaign


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New Beastie Boys album covers: compare and contrast!

Well, it appears that the new Beasties album art coulda used a few more hues...

Nah. That's enough colors....

Above is the cover of their new album, which comes out May 3. I like this jazz album approach, better than the insipidly lazy and cheesy cover art they threatened to put out with the unreleased Part I (which is actually Part II with a slightly different's Beastie humor, folks...):

I've reluctantly come to accept that they're a long journey away from the band that recorded the classic LICENSED TO ILL and the masterpiece PAUL'S BOUTIQUE. In fact, in subsequent interviews, they've become apologists for those albums, which I not only feel are a career peak they will never achieve again but two of the greatest albums I've ever heard. I put them up there with the best work by the Beatles, the Clash, the Sex Pistols, Run-DMC and Public Enemy.

If you've heard the leaked tracks from HOT SAUCE, they're kind of automatic-pilot Beasties and most of them sound like tracks left off of TO THE 5 BOROUGHS from 2004. Of the four tracks, I guess I like POP YOUR BALLOON best. I understand that artists can't stay in the same place and must evolve, explore and change. But we can debate whether they've become a better or worse group as a result of the experimentation. My opinion? Like I said, nothing beats LICENSED TO ILL and PAUL'S BOUTIQUE...

It's been kind of annoying. Ever since CHECK YOUR HEAD, they've become this weird hybrid group that's hit or miss and often preachy. Of the hit and miss albums, I probably dig ILL COMMUNICATION and TO THE 5 BOROUGHS as overall albums over CHECK YOUR HEAD and HELLO NASTY....Even though HELLO NASTY has two of their most ass-kicking tracks ever, INTERGALACTIC and BODY MOVIN'...Look, it's complicated....

That said, I always get the new Beasties album because they're still better than most of the stuff out there on any given year. So May 3rd, I plan to buy the jazz album.


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Music Club w/ Jesse Christen (Link Live)

Screenshot ( Wiley’s Tavern If you watch the whole thing, I enjoy the dig Jesse has on the media industry. Not sure if a lot of people know, but Jesse used to work for Gannett and is a very talented writer and journalist. and BTW, Jesse is happily married;


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Sarah at Non-Fiction Collective Conference, Banff, April 29-May 1

In just over a month I’ll be heading for beautiful Banff, where I haven’t been since the summer of 1977, when my mom and dad packed us all into our maroon station wagon and drove from Maine to Washington. Instead of going on a guided horseback ride and holding up the entire group by bursting [...]


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2011�Asifa-East Animation FestivalIt?s this Sunday at...

2011�Asifa-East Animation Festival
It?s this Sunday at 6pm in NYC. Come and see the best cartoons on the Eastern seaboard this year. Tishman Auditorium, 66�W. 12th St. FREE!
This year I got to create the opening title sequence for it (above)
It features music by my friend�Micah Frank who?s also nailed it with the soundtrack on these other cartoons of mine:


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House Cartoons

Cartoons by Andertoons There's tons of homey house cartoons here at Andertoons. Just sayin'. (BTW, you can embed cartoons on your blog too!)


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J.W. Taylor: Royal Wedding Cartoon

"Mr and Mrs Robinson request the pleasure
of our company at the marriage on their
television set of Her Royal Highness."

Everything old is new again.

Here's a cartoon by one of my favorite Punch cartoonists, J.W. Taylor, commemorating another Royal Wedding: the 1947 wedding of Princess (now Queen) Elizabeth.

I love Taylor's easy, smooth dry brush technique. More of his grand cartoons are here.

A big thanks to Peter Robinson for sharing the above, as well as the below Chris Riddell cartoon with all of us. Now, let's all take a screen grab of the wedding cake cuz that's as close as us rabble are gonna get to actually getting a piece!


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Sioux Falls club sports stepping up?

Back away from the horse! I have said all along that the money exists in our community to fund these projects privately, and it SEEMS that they are stepping up; A local nonprofit’s fundraising campaign for an indoor tennis facility is under way, and officials hope to start construction in 2013. The cost of the [...]


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Death Panelist

In this troubled world of unbalanced budgets, out of control nuclear reactors, and worldwide bloodshed, it's always nice to know that we can count on MSNBC's Chris Matthews to give us a laugh...or at least give us a good reason to reach for our scotch.

Specifically, in giving "analysis" of Paul Ryan's plan to save Medicare, Matthews announced that it "will kill half the people who watch my show." And while we're tempted to say "that's a good start," we won't...because those would be words that hurt rather than heal.

Instead, we'll simply point out that however Medicare is funded, we doubt it will have enough money to pay for all the medications that Mr. Matthews is apparently forgetting to take.

For instance, even though Ryan's plan specifically states that no one aged 55 or over will have any change in their Medicare coverage, Matthews claims that half of today's seniors will meet the grim reaper when the program cuts their benefits. He then follows up by saying that younger people will also get screwed, receiving only "a Borders book $10 gift certificate that's going to pay for your million dollar healthcare costs."

Frankly, we don't think Chris Matthews could possibly be stupid enough to actually believe any of this. Which means he's personally despicable enough to be blatantly lying about all of this.

And the only way we're ever going to have an honest dialogue on saving Medicare is when pundits like Matthews are replaced by people who can tell the difference between "Holocausts" and "Healthcare Costs."

This is why MSNBC should always have tranquilizer darts handy.


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Katie Dud

Back when George W. Bush was President of the United States, the mainstream media not only claimed that he was personally responsible for rising gasoline prices (which would ruin the lives of working Americans), they also suggested that he was sneaking to people's homes at night to deflate their cars' tires and take a leak in their windshield fluid reservoirs.

But today, things are very different. Even though Barack Obama's
two year legacy of anti-oil policies would seem to have a direct bearing on the skyrocketing cost of gasoline, only 1% of network news stories bothered to mention that, just maybe, Obama's moratorium on oil drilling and exploration - and his lobbing cruise missiles into the oil fields of Libya - just might have something to do with the fact that a tank of gas now costs twice what a share of General Motors stock does. No, really.

Instead, the networks are parroting Mr. Obama's assertion that the rising prices are due solely to the oil companies (the evil rich), and oil speculators (the evil rich), and Republicans (the evil rich) who have failed to prudently invest in sustainable, natural, alternative energies (unicorn farts).

Which is, perhaps, why network news ratings are increasingly going into the dumper. As today's cartoon mentions, CBS has just agreed to accept Katie Couric's "decision" (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) to leave her position as anchor of the CBS Evening News...but only after covering a really
important news story: the Royal Wedding of Two People Whose Names We Don't Remember But Sort Of Like Anyway Because They Didn't Send Invitations To Barack And Michelle Obama.

Here at
Hope n' Change, we'd like to think that Couric's dismissal could hint at the possibility of actual news reporting returning to the networks...if only in an attempt to steal some of Fox News's audience share.

But it probably won't happen. We have it on good authority (from the mainstream media) that the real blame for the decline in network news viewership should be directed at George Bush.

Just like the blame for everything else that's happened for the past two years.

"See BS" Evening News


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The Looney Tunes Show on Cartoon Network tonight

That’s all, folks! Er… that’s all the waiting you’ll have to do, we mean. Tonight, after weeks of hype and buildup, Cartoon Network will finally premiere the latest and greatest venture to the world of animation, The Looney Tunes Show....


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Victory 05/1/11


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IMAGE OF THE DAY: Jillian Tamaki?s ?Best American Comics? cover art

The annual ?Best American Comics? anthology series shepherded by editors Jessica Abel and Matt Madden not only spotlights some of the superior work published within roughly a 12-month period. Sometimes, it also generates original art that?s equally glorious.

For the 2008 edition, for instance, that year?s guest editor ? Lynda Barry ? drew an absolutely beguiling introduction that delved into, among other things, her fandom of ?Family Circus.?

Now, Jillian Tamaki reveals her beautiful cover art for the 2011 edition, whose guest editor is cartoonist Alison Bechdel.

Read full article >>


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The Descendents shirt should be available from Bifocal Media next week. The Melvins shirts are about gone, and one hundred were sent to them so if you are reading this and still want one, bug them about it and hopefully you can get one.

After the Descendents shirt, there will be shirts made of the following:

Valient Thorr
Corrosion Of Confromity
Honor Role

There might be a couple more as of yet unconfirmed bands that will for sure make this even more fun then it already is. Stay tuned!


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Ci� detto, va anche rimarcata la notevole qualit� stilistica degli albi, disegnati con felice tratto da Nino Camus, autore di cui il fumetto non aveva prima rivelato traccia e che altre non ne lascer� nemmeno in futuro. Personaggi ben delineati...


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Monday, May 2, 2011

HANDICAPPING THE PULITZERS: Which cartoonists might get the call next week?

The 2011 Pulitzer Prizes are scheduled to be announced Monday, and this year, we have to take serious issue with the good folks up at Columbia University, because we have yet to hear even the faintest quasi-informed whisper about who might win. Or be a finalist. Particularly for Editorial Cartooning.

If only BP were running this show, we might have reasonable hope for some leaks. But no ? the flow of information over cartooning is sealed as tight as a non-oil drum.

Which leaves us with only one option: To dabble in the game of chance that is Pulitzer Prognostication. Most years, as it is, trying to tab the winner for Editorial Cartooning is a crapshoot; this year, though, the odds are as long as betting against Bogart?s Rick at the Cafe Americain tables. So as we lay our money down today, we can only hope that ? as with Bogie toward ?Casablanca?s? young Bulgarian couple ? the Pulitzer jurors will take pity on our plight. This is a fool?s errand, which means that for once, no one is more qualified than us.

Read full article >>


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This Week's Toon: Complainer Boehner

Paul Berge
Q Syndicate
Mar 3, 2011

My goodness that was a lot of lettering.

Almost overlooked among the coverage of turmoil in the Middle East and Midwest was last week's decision by the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA (the 1996 "Defense of Marriage Act") in court. House Majority Leader John Boehner complained that the Obama administration was stirring up a controversial issue instead of focusing on job creation and balancing the budget.

Now that their workload has been freed from the needless distraction of filing briefs supporting marriage discrimination, I look forward to seeing how the Justice Department returns to their mission of job creation and budget balancing.


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Happy Birthday, CNN's Wolf Blitzer!

Hey, Wolf "Situation Room" Blitzer....Happy birthday! Good luck with your big summer film, too!


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The Bitter with the Tweet

Even though a possible government shutdown looms on the horizon,
Hope n' Change feels that there is other news which demands our attention. Especially since we need to get this cartoon done on Thursday, and the freakin' politicians aren't going to make up their minds on ANYthing before our professional publishing deadline.

Which is why we turn our laserlike focus on Janet Napolitano's announcement that Homeland Security will now be issuing urgent "Security Advisory Alerts" via Facebook and Twitter.

The plan, which is still being ironed out, has advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, Janet Napolitano can soon be expected to have about
100 million new "friends" who would really like to be warned if there was a 100-megaton nuclear device about to cause a "secular manmade excavation" in their neighborhood.

Similarly, Facebook games like "Farmville" can subtly start teaching people how to augment their farms with bottled water, freeze-dried food, gold, medical provisions, and enough guns and ammo to shoot their Farmville neighbors who didn't plan ahead.

The new, trendier "Social Disaster System" will also incorporate Twitter, although Ms. Napolitano is still trying to work the bugs out of the system. For instance, with only 140 characters to work with in a "Tweet," we can expect to get messages like:

After a careful examination of all the relevant facts and documents, Homeland Security believes you will die unless your family immediately

Or, problems could arise if Ms. Napolitano hammers out a quick message like
this one:

Total Mars Attacks scenario but bastards don't know who they're screwing with. Martians soil themselves hearing my Tiger screams. WINNING!

...but everyone
ignores it because they think it's just Charlie Sheen screwing around again.

Still, it's nice to know that if we're using Facebook or Twitter in the future, we don't have to worry about accidentally missing the end of the world.

Hey look! You just got a "poke" from Osama Bin Laden!



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Music Monday ? Sousaphone Beatbox YO!

Armed with nothing but his sousaphone, some multiphonics and a sense of humor, this guy really entertains!


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Music Club w/ Jesse Christen (Link Live)

Screenshot ( Wiley’s Tavern If you watch the whole thing, I enjoy the dig Jesse has on the media industry. Not sure if a lot of people know, but Jesse used to work for Gannett and is a very talented writer and journalist. and BTW, Jesse is happily married;


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Sen. Vitter asks why the U.S. is sending money to Brazil for oil

David Vitter | Brazil | Oil | The Daily Caller


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VIDEO OF THE DAY: Air traffic controllers hot on the radar of Taiwan-based animators

The FAA. Dozing air traffic controllers. China?s labor practices. Even the striking workers once fired by Reagan.

The artists at Taiwan-based Next Media Animation train their sights on all those satirical targets in their new video posted today.

The animation comes fresh off the news that a Boeing 737 carrying Michelle Obama and Jill Biden came two miles closer to another aircraft than the FAA allows as both planes tried to land at Andrews Air Force Base.


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Friday?s Small Business Trends Cartoon

Hey! My weekly business cartoon and accompanying blurb are up at Small Business Trends! Enjoy!


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US Postal Service

US Postal Service

The Knight Life: US Postal Service


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She could talk to squirrels.

She could talk to squirrels.


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