In this troubled world of unbalanced budgets, out of control nuclear reactors, and worldwide bloodshed, it's always nice to know that we can count on MSNBC's Chris Matthews to give us a laugh...or at least give us a good reason to reach for our scotch.
Specifically, in giving "analysis" of Paul Ryan's plan to save Medicare, Matthews announced that it "will kill half the people who watch my show." And while we're tempted to say "that's a good start," we won't...because those would be words that hurt rather than heal.
Instead, we'll simply point out that however Medicare is funded, we doubt it will have enough money to pay for all the medications that Mr. Matthews is apparently forgetting to take.
For instance, even though Ryan's plan specifically states that no one aged 55 or over will have any change in their Medicare coverage, Matthews claims that half of today's seniors will meet the grim reaper when the program cuts their benefits. He then follows up by saying that younger people will also get screwed, receiving only "a Borders book $10 gift certificate that's going to pay for your million dollar healthcare costs."
Frankly, we don't think Chris Matthews could possibly be stupid enough to actually believe any of this. Which means he's personally despicable enough to be blatantly lying about all of this.
And the only way we're ever going to have an honest dialogue on saving Medicare is when pundits like Matthews are replaced by people who can tell the difference between "Holocausts" and "Healthcare Costs."
This is why MSNBC should always have tranquilizer darts handy.
Source: http://hopenchangecartoons.blogspot.com/2011/04/death-panelist.html
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