Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chan Lowe: Tornado devastation


How do you think it would go over if Barack Obama said to the tornado victims, ?You red states down there can just go and kiss my overreaching, socialist big-government behind and fend for yourselves??

We can?t even imagine it. That?s because the president is the leader of all of us?not just those who voted for him but also those who feel indifferent toward him, merely dislike him, and hate him to their very core. As the head of government, he cannot cherry-pick.

No, he can?t indulge in petty, parochial maneuvers like passing needlessly restrictive laws designed to disenfranchise whole classes of Americans. He can?t, while paying obeisance to some no-tax dogma, rob soon-to-be-elderly citizens of the medical care they have spent their entire lives paying for with the reasonable expectation that their country will look after them in their dotage.


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