Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rock Robbers

A recent quickie commission to illustrate some warning signs around the island for people to not trash the beach and leave it alone enough for others to enjoy. The expression on the crab wound up being something in-between pissed-off and bummed out, which is why it now looks sorta psychotic (at least that will get some attention - which is the point). One of the subtle shifts in National Park Service philosophy that I've noticed that happens between Alaska and the Lower 48 is when rangers become tasked with making sure the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" don't inadvertently destroy everything in the stampede to recreation. In other words, crowd control. Which in Acadia, with an estimated 3 million visitors on the island last season (speaking of "wretched refuse of your teeming shore") means running constant interference against those who would literally love it to death. One might take the side of the sourdough sovereign and resist the intrusive reach of the evil federal government, or you could balance this against the fact that left to it's own devices, the human race will drown in its own shit. That is unless somebody is paid to occasionally wipe up afterward.

I remember (sort of) one year while out following the Grateful Dead around the Pacific North-West leg of a tour, getting taught a lesson on camping in the sequoias. WE just decided to pull off the side of the road and crash, which is kind of a no-no in the Lower 48. After waking us up, a ranger looked at the Alaska plates on the VW microbus and drawled "Now I don't know how you folks do it up there, but down here we got rules."

In a related incidence, there evidently looks to be some serious overstepping and abuse of said authority: a Park Service ranger drew guns on a 71 year-old river rat and threw him in jail for four days after an attempted boat-check on the Yukon. And that's putting it nicely. At the other extreme, Craig Medred lards up the hyperbole in the apparently editorless Alaska Dispatch:
?And if one of them gets stuck on the Yukon in late September, and passersby wishing to avoid being hassled by the Park Service, are trained to ignore signals for help, someone might end up trapped where he or she is until his or her cold, ...frozen body is finally found after freeze-up. If, of course, the body is found at all.?
Way to ramp up the rhetoric - Alaska?s burgeoning homegrown militia movement might have themselves a new cheerleader: according to Medred the Park Service is an ?occupying army,? and their black-op baton-wielding (re: the accompanying photo) Nazi (re: "Now, I don't think the Park Service is the Gestapo" disingenuous crap) SWAT teams will raid your home and hold poor Granny at gunpoint. Ironically, this from a guy who took Sarah Palin to task after the Arizona shooting:

"But we all know what rhetoric can do.  Rhetoric can stir people to all sorts of action, both good and bad. That is the point of rhetoric. Words matter. Words can spawn all sorts of bad acts. And there is a national discussion underway about whether rhetoric -- rhetoric on the part of all of us with political opinions, which includes me, you and Sarah Palin --might have played a role." - Medred 1/12/11
So I'm guessing that if a ranger gets shot in the Bush by someone all fired up by this call to arms resistance, Medred and the Dispatch will presumably take at least some of the credit. This is not to excuse the ranger's actions by any means, but given how much of a constant threat to their safety and welfare Park Service - or for that matter any Federal employees - has to deal with from belligerent and hostile "sovereign idiots" this sort of sensationalistic caricaturing doesn't help a damn bit. In my own opinion.

Case in point: now back in Fairbanks, there's a rally about this incident that also promotes the Feds as being Nazis - to the point of actually handing out "Gestapo" badges as prizes. I wonder if they will also offer swastikas, SS bolts, Death?s Head insignia or maybe a pink triangles as consolation prizes.
The prominent right-wing business owners of Compeau's and Seekins are emceeing this event: so the next time you want to buy a boat or a truck, remember how these guys equate Federal employees with being members of Nazi Germany's secret police (though they'll probably still take their money). Using the slaughter of millions to promote your ideology is a cheap shot, but apparently not below these opportunistic schmucks. 
Speaking of, Congressman Young and Senator Murkowski will also be there, rallying against, uh, well, their own employers and the only jobs they've ever really had. 
Presumably the Second Amendment Task Force will have an "issue booth" at the event, hopefully with a live feed from Schaefer Cox's cell.


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The Descendents shirt should be available from Bifocal Media next week. The Melvins shirts are about gone, and one hundred were sent to them so if you are reading this and still want one, bug them about it and hopefully you can get one.

After the Descendents shirt, there will be shirts made of the following:

Valient Thorr
Corrosion Of Confromity
Honor Role

There might be a couple more as of yet unconfirmed bands that will for sure make this even more fun then it already is. Stay tuned!


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This Week's Sneak Peek

Maybe I'm just not reading the right blogs, but it seems like all the LGBT news stories are stuck in a rut. Civil Unions legislation makes headway here, is set back there. Republicans are still griping about the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which has sort of not happened yet. Pvt. Bradley Manning is still being forced to sleep au naturel. Rick Santorum is still synonymous with lubricated fecal matter.

This week's cartoon revisits more Ground Hog Day breaking news.


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Cleveland, Juxtapoz, sketchbook vault, oh my

In case you haven?t heard, I?m illustrating a full length graphic novel, 100 plus pages, with Harvey Pekar titled ?HARVEY PEKAR?S CLEVELAND,? and I gotta say, so far it?s coming along pretty good. I?m nearing page 20 and everyone seems to be pretty happy with what they?ve seen, including Harvey. He called me last night asking to see more pages. I?ve gotta mail him stuff every few weeks because he refuses to use e-mail. He still hasn?t got to the point of having call waiting or even an answering machine! It?s been a lot of fun drawing this stuff, but I?ve never had to work harder in my life. In order to get this thing done on time i?ve gotta draw at least 2 pages a week, and I?m still working my day job 3-4 days a week, so it?s essentially been non-stop work lately. But I can?t complain. This is the life i?ve chosen. In other Pekar news, There?s a big article in the latest (july 2010) issue of JUXTAPOZ all about the Pekar Project, with a great interview with Harvey and several full page illustrations of all of our drawings! You must check this out! JUXTAPOZ is one of the few art magazine?s that people actually still care about because there?s actually cool artwork in it! Have you ever looked at an issue of Art Forum? That thing is the biggest snooze fest I?ve ever seen. Or maybe I?m just too dumb to get it.

Also, Thank you to all of you who have purchased a copy of my comic, BLINDSPOT #1. I?ve already received a lot of good feedback about it, which I greatly appreciate. One of my favorite cartoonist?s, Joe Matt, particularly liked it, and it got a nice review from GRAPHIC NYC. Hopefully more reviews will come in soon. If you haven?t bought it yet then BUY IT already! What are you waiting for!? Don?t you realize that by not buying it you are actively telling me that you hope I fail in life. Oh, and if you know how I can get this thing in some actually stores, please let me know. Alright, until next time, here?s a few drawings from my sketchbook.....


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Thanks to Dennis over at UDE for always keeping my pieces fresh and executing my designs with flawless craftsman ship..


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Sarah illustrates an explanation of the carbon tax

Here’s my first stab at political/educational sort of cartooning. Watch it on


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Nothing Sure But Debt And Taxes

Here at Hope n' Change, we've struggled mightily to come up with an eloquent, accurate, and analytically incisive description of yesterday's "debt reduction" speech by Barack Obama. And in essence, the president's plan is this: "Communism and lots of KY Jelly."

In a style that alternated between folksiness and professorial disdain, the alleged budget cutter said "most Americans tend to dislike government spending in the abstract, but they like the stuff it buys." And he's right; most people like the perks and pork the government doles out to buy their votes. So what's the problem? "Trillions of dollars in unpaid-for tax cuts that went to every millionaire and billionaire in the country."

Of course, the tax cuts also went to every other taxpayer in the country...but admitting it wouldn't really work with his overall theme of inciting hatred and class warfare. Nor would the fact that Barack "spread the wealth" Obama routinely describes people earning $200,000 as "billionaires."

And let's pause to consider the nonsensical phrase "unpaid-for tax cuts." That presumes that politicians are powerless to spend less money (including money they don't have)...and any unpaid bills just mean someone out there just wasn't being taxed enough.

But just what, exactly, will happen if Mr. Obama allows these greedy, miserable, capitalist bastards to hang on to their filthy stolen loot? The alleged president explains, "50 million Americans have to lose their health insurance in order for us to reduce the deficit. Many are someone?s grandparents who wouldn?t be able afford nursing home care without Medicaid. Many are poor children. Some are middle-class families who have children with autism or Down?s syndrome. Some are kids with disabilities so severe that they require 24-hour care."

That's right: the Evil Rich are basically amassing their fortunes by killing people's grandparents and screwing over withered children in wheelchairs. Which is why it's not just okay to hate the Evil Rich, it's practically a patriotic duty.

And that's why the nation's wealthy will be getting off easy if they're only stuck with higher taxes instead of the scalding tar and feathers which they so richly deserve.

It must be true, or the Communist-in-Chief couldn't say so.

Fun Fact: The Evil Rich have solid gold jacuzzis filled with orphan's tears!


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Not ?everyone? knows Suzumiya Haruhi!

Hirano Aya appears from time to time in variety shows. The latest appearance was on April 17, 2011 in a variety show and some are talking about it. The highlight of the show was mentioned in 2ch and also in boards. Here it is… On April 17, Hirano Aya appeared in a mainstream TV [...]


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Dance of Death 2: Old Friends


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Pennsylvania Governor Corbett Names Larry Wittig as Chairman of State Board of Education

Pennsylvania Governor Corbett Names Larry Wittig as Chairman of State Board of Education


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Appleseed movies producer company filed for bankruptcy!

Some bad news for the anime industry surfaced today. The company that produced the Appleseed movies filed for bankruptcy a couple of days ago. According to Anime!Anime!, Japanese movie producer Micott & Basara Inc. has filed bankruptcy on April 21st. Micott has produced Appleseed (2004) and Appleseed Saga Ex Machina, and been producing the upcoming [...]


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Shrewsbury perspective

Shrewsbury festival cartoonist�Bill Stott writes: Amongst all the frenetic cartooning activity at Shrewsbury – the Big Boards, the caricaturing, strolling players in costume, the music, the wonderful weather and the public throng, two tiny incidents serve to underline the public?s liking for good cartoons. One involved a tiny chap called Pacey who stood with his [...]


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Cartoonist Conspiracy SF CAM-JAM Animation Art Jam on May 22, 2011 at the Cartoon Art Museum

The Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco is co-hosting a third year of CAM-JAM events with the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore. The event is on Sunday May 22, 2011 from 11am to 5pm and the theme will be… ANIMATION. Yes, you heard that right! Our challenge will be to produce 30 seconds of DIY animation goodness that [...]


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Ore no Im?to ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai 14: Kuroneko and Sena are awesome!

Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai True route 14 was released and I barely noticed it. One thing that I hate about this kind of schedule when each chapter is released weeks apart is that I can lose interest about the series or I forget the broadcasting day for it. At [...]


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Friday, April 29, 2011

NewsBusted 4/26/11


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???? - Jinchalo (by Matt Forsythe)

???? - Jinchalo (by Matt Forsythe)


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Fashion Statement (With a hat tip to the National Lampoon)

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Available now only in our store, the Frozen Grin Big Box. where you can also find other unique designs available nowhere else in the known Universe. This public service announcement made by your friends at Frozen Grin.


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George Takei: Don?t Whitewash AKIRA!

Not everyone is happy with the Akira Live action movie. George Takei, famous for being on Star Trek decried Akira because of the “white” actors portraying the main characters in the live action adaptation. Japanese actor George Takei took to Twitter to take on the whitewashing of the upcoming film adaptation of the manga ‘Akira.’ [...]


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RADIAtion reaches Sharad Pawar!


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Coming Soon: HONOR ROLE t-shirt.

This will be the next (fourth) shirt, and I will make an announcement soon enough when it is ready. You all know how much I love this band, so it was a real honor to get permission to do it. Stay tuned!


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This was a nice review for the new book:

PHOTO of FVK, Chapel Hill 1984 or so.


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NEW VIDEO!: Carl Sagan?s Cartoon CosmosJoin Carl on this...

NEW VIDEO!: Carl Sagan?s Cartoon Cosmos
Join Carl on this interstellar voyage of the silliest planets from children?s entertainment. It?s like real science, but fake.

Featuring the always brilliant mimcry of�Josh Ruben�as Sagan and more.


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To promote conversation here ....

Posted without comment. Positions please.

To promote conversations about gendered issues at USNA

The Yard-Wide Diversity Committee


Annual Gender Matters Program

Invite you to attend a screening of the film

Out of Annapolis

Produced and Directed by CDR Steve Clark Hall ?75, USN (Ret)

The film screening will be followed by a brief post-film discussion

Out of Annapolis is a documentary that presents real stories of gay and lesbian alumni who attended USNA in two eras: the 1970s - 80s prior to DADT, and the 1990s during DADT. Their enduring respect for the military and appreciation of their instruction at USNA is clear as these individuals relate their experiences as Midshipmen and officers of the Navy and Marine Corps, allowing audiences to see past the stereotypes of homosexuals in the military and begin to understand the sacrifices these dedicated officers have made for the country. As the nation prepares to lift DADT, Out of Annapolis plays a compelling role in educating the public to appreciate, rather than fear, the upcoming changes to our military policies.

Following the 90 minute film, the sponsors will moderate a brief open mic discussion amongst the audience, Steve Clark Hall, and other USNA alumni featured in the film.

This performance is closed to the public, but all Midshipmen, faculty, officers, and staff are invited to attend.

While the film does extend into study hour, Midshipmen are permitted to attend the entire event.

When: Monday, April 25 at 1915

Where: Mahan Theatre

Hat tip Annapolis Underground.

UPDATE: Based on a couple of emails I have received, perhaps a review is in order - and I need to comment.

All the regulars know that I was an early supporter of DADT repeal. Good people can disagree, but the decision has been made, so there really isn't going back. I don't have a problem with them showing this film, as long as it is tasteful and voluntary - which by all indications it is.

There is one problem here, and one I warned people on both sides about from the start. There has been a major mistake here by Steve Clark Hall and those who fully support homosexuals serving. They are allowing the Diversity Industry to get their claws into them. This is a huge mistake, because the Diversity Industry makes its money by division and strife - not unity. The Diversity Industry feeds on grievance and generated conflict. They are divisive, retrograde, and are an anathema to free discussion and open minds.

There is one reason that I would tell people on the fence not to see this movie. Look who is sponsoring it. The moral vampires of the Diversity Commissariat are pushing this. Those who support equal treatment and inclusion of open homosexuals at USNA and elsewhere should avoid supporting anything pushed by the Diversity Bullies.

Homosexual service members, I am talking to you. Once you let them put their stamp on you - you have effectively lost your argument. You don't want to be accepted in the Navy - you want to be a part of the Navy. There is a very big difference, and you will get nothing from contempt from me.

Steve Clark Hall - if I knew you I would have given you some advice about finding other sponsors, ones who would show your desire, I assume, for inclusion. With the sponsors you have though - you have hitched your wagon to division, and that is unfortunate.

A final note - if the members of The Yard-Wide Diversity Committee take this personally, that is fine with me. You are part of the problem, no the solution. Send me an email if you want to discuss.
UPDATE II - Electric Boogaloo: To put some light on the subject. Here is the trailer. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact the background music blows. Wait ... can I say that? I mean, come on ... not THAT way. Seriously, the music is just ... awwww ... h311, just watch the d@mn trailer.


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Cleveland, Juxtapoz, sketchbook vault, oh my

In case you haven?t heard, I?m illustrating a full length graphic novel, 100 plus pages, with Harvey Pekar titled ?HARVEY PEKAR?S CLEVELAND,? and I gotta say, so far it?s coming along pretty good. I?m nearing page 20 and everyone seems to be pretty happy with what they?ve seen, including Harvey. He called me last night asking to see more pages. I?ve gotta mail him stuff every few weeks because he refuses to use e-mail. He still hasn?t got to the point of having call waiting or even an answering machine! It?s been a lot of fun drawing this stuff, but I?ve never had to work harder in my life. In order to get this thing done on time i?ve gotta draw at least 2 pages a week, and I?m still working my day job 3-4 days a week, so it?s essentially been non-stop work lately. But I can?t complain. This is the life i?ve chosen. In other Pekar news, There?s a big article in the latest (july 2010) issue of JUXTAPOZ all about the Pekar Project, with a great interview with Harvey and several full page illustrations of all of our drawings! You must check this out! JUXTAPOZ is one of the few art magazine?s that people actually still care about because there?s actually cool artwork in it! Have you ever looked at an issue of Art Forum? That thing is the biggest snooze fest I?ve ever seen. Or maybe I?m just too dumb to get it.

Also, Thank you to all of you who have purchased a copy of my comic, BLINDSPOT #1. I?ve already received a lot of good feedback about it, which I greatly appreciate. One of my favorite cartoonist?s, Joe Matt, particularly liked it, and it got a nice review from GRAPHIC NYC. Hopefully more reviews will come in soon. If you haven?t bought it yet then BUY IT already! What are you waiting for!? Don?t you realize that by not buying it you are actively telling me that you hope I fail in life. Oh, and if you know how I can get this thing in some actually stores, please let me know. Alright, until next time, here?s a few drawings from my sketchbook.....


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You guys,�Jacqui Oakley?s work is stunning. Just...

You guys,�Jacqui Oakley?s work is stunning. Just beautiful. She?s on the Dribbble and the Twitter too.�


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Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival 2011

Bloghorn at the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival 2011


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My article in ALTER EGO #100 on Frank Robbins/THE INVADERS

OUT NOW! In ALTER EGO #100, the big, fat anniversary issue, I was invited to write about one of my favorite topics--the artist Frank Robbins--and his run on that glorious WWII superhero group book THE INVADERS. The issue is chock full of interviews and remembrances of various comics from the 1970s and '80s. Visit if you have trouble finding it at your local shop.


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NEW YORKER CARTOONS: Your latest Caption Contest finalist is...Roger Ebert

Film critic Roger Ebert may have a Pulitzer Prize and Emmy nominations and a Hollywood Walk of Fame star and even a street co-named in his honor ? but today, he rejoiced over a distinction that for so long had eluded him.

After ?years and years? of entering, Ebert says he has finally been picked as a finalist in The New Yorker?s Caption Contest.

?I am gobsmacked,? Ebert tells Comic Riffs.


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Let me break your heart ...

So, take a deep breath. LT B - you may not want to look at all. Especially at all 44 pictures.

Hat tip John of Argghhh!!!!.


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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's Easter Egg Roll

Easter is a day when people stop to reflect on the effects of spirit, morality, and responsibility in their lives and ask: "What would Jesus do?"

And the answer, according to the Whitehouse, is
push-ups. Jesus would do lots and lots of push-ups. Or at least this seems to be the thinking at the 2011 Whitehouse Easter Egg Roll being held today (because what's so special about Sunday?) which has been turned into a fitness event.

Tastefully picking up on the Christian message of Resurrection, the event's theme is "Get Up And Go," and will feature healthy eating tips and cooking demos, as well as basketball, tennis, an obstacle course (perhaps called "the stations of the cross-trainer"?), a dance party, and of course
yoga. Apparently "Eastern" was close enough to "Easter" in the minds of the Obama family.

To make sure the 30,000 invited guests don't forget the true meaning of the day, the official (and safely inedible) Whitehouse Easter Eggs each carry a portrait of the Easter Bunny wearing running shorts and a sweat band...which is like a crown of thorns, only washable. On the flip side of the eggs, a few words are inscribed to give comfort, strength, and a renewed sense of faith in these troubled times. The words are: "Barack Obama" and "Michelle Obama."

some people are annoyed that the Whitehouse has taken one of the most sacred days on the Christian calendar and turned it into a secularly transmitted disease. But Hope n' Change must defend the alleged president and point out that he can be very serious about religion and observe holy days without turning them into jazzercize classes.

For instance, it wasn't that long ago he held a
very tasteful and extravagant Whitehouse Ramadan feast for a group of Muslims at which he praised the majesty of their faith and enthusiastically encouraged them to build a mosque at Ground Zero.

After which, everyone went out to the Whitehouse lawn for the festive annual Head Roll.

The reason for the season: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama,
and an Easter Bunny dressed
as Richard Simmons.

Bonus Update (too good not to share):

This picture, taken on Easter, indicates that we're not the only
ones who have some problems with B. Hussein's holiday plans.



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