Thursday, April 28, 2011

HANDICAPPING THE PULITZERS: Which cartoonists might get the call next week?

The 2011 Pulitzer Prizes are scheduled to be announced Monday, and this year, we have to take serious issue with the good folks up at Columbia University, because we have yet to hear even the faintest quasi-informed whisper about who might win. Or be a finalist. Particularly for Editorial Cartooning.

If only BP were running this show, we might have reasonable hope for some leaks. But no ? the flow of information over cartooning is sealed as tight as a non-oil drum.

Which leaves us with only one option: To dabble in the game of chance that is Pulitzer Prognostication. Most years, as it is, trying to tab the winner for Editorial Cartooning is a crapshoot; this year, though, the odds are as long as betting against Bogart?s Rick at the Cafe Americain tables. So as we lay our money down today, we can only hope that ? as with Bogie toward ?Casablanca?s? young Bulgarian couple ? the Pulitzer jurors will take pity on our plight. This is a fool?s errand, which means that for once, no one is more qualified than us.


cartoon bird pictures of cartoon monkeys cartoon cats hanna barbera cartoon characters cartoon jackets

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