Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chan Lowe: Royal wedding mania


A British journalist put it best the other day: ?Can you name, off the top of your head, the president of Germany? No, it isn?t Angela Merkel. She?s the chancellor. Who?s the head of state??

Most Americans can?t name the British prime minister (David Cameron), but they sure as shootin? know who the British head of state is. There?s a mystique about the monarchy that fulfills a yearning in people to respect institutions, and a desire for historical continuity that binds a country to its past.

We don?t have that luxury. In our system, the head of state and the head of government are the same person, so that leader is automatically looked at askance from the outset by a large portion of the electorate that didn?t vote for him. He?ll be out in a maximum of eight years, to boot?so there?s no point in carving his crest into any architectural masonry.


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