Attorney General Eric Holder has come under fire from a bipartisan group of Senators for his desire to abolish the Justice Department's Obscenity Prosecution Task Force, which pursues traffickers of hardcore pornographic materials.
Pornography, which regularly appears on government computers (and was only officially banned during alleged "working hours" last year), is a so-called "victimless crime" because it only affects the performers (who were frequently victims of child abuse), as well as women who are subsequently degraded by men, men who develop addictive behaviors, children who are increasingly exposed to sexualized materials of the most bizarre and brutal types, and farm animals who...well...we'd rather not say.
Holder is defending his decision to loosen his firm, "hands on" approach to porn (so to speak) by pointing out that getting rid of the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force would give him more time and money to not prosecute illegal aliens, not prosecute voter-intimidating Black Panthers, not prosecute people sending death threats to Conservatives, and not prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He will, however, be able to devote full time to his primary responsibility in Washington, which is making Barack Obama look at least somewhat Black by comparison.
Hope n' Change wishes to be very clear that we have no reason to believe that Holder is turning his back on the porn industry simply because it makes billions of taxable dollars ever year...and may be necessary for such liberal bastions as California to remain afloat. Nor would we suggest that the wealthy and oh-so-liberal porn producers are sending campaign funds to Democrats to help keep Conservatives (and morality) at legal arm's length.
But these are all old and possibly outdated concepts. Hope n' Change formed its worldview back when good was good, and bad was bad...when civility was shown, and pornography hidden...and when laws were actually enforced.
In other words, it was a time when the government considered vile magazines an obscenity... instead of our Constitution.
Source: http://hopenchangecartoons.blogspot.com/2011/04/porn-to-be-wild.html
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