Thursday, April 28, 2011


I?ve been simulcasting backwards into nostalgia and into thefuture over the new BBC teaser trailer for "Doctor Who" Series Six, starring Matt Smith asDoctor #11. Fresh from my recent foray into Lovecraftian worlds, a warm-up doodle spawned this piece after idly sketching the iconic Dalek monsters. 
(more under the fold) 
Initially this was a diptych: with one half being a black and white panel of a drawing of an original "exterminate" cyborg perched on the planet Mercury (using the spiffy new images here), but now temporarily stuck on the back-burner. However, the concept of an organic Dalek underwent several metamorphoses, and after dropping a cartoon thought-balloon of "exgerminate" in lieu of typesetting it as a caption, this color half took off on its own as a stand-alone piece.
Via Boing Boing the backdrop came compliments of NASA's ?WISE? (Wide-fieldInfrared Survey Explorer) image of the Rho Ophiuch dark nebula cloud complex - where I suspect the planet Yuggoth is located - plus a groovy mushroom spore print run through some Photoshop filters. Bonus Trivia: studio background soundtrack = Jerry Goldsmith's "Star Trek - Nemesis" opening sequence.

So when Tom Baker was the Doctor (#4), I was ten years old, and while the other kids might have had Farrah Fawcett, Catherine Bach and Lynda Carter: me, I was obsessed with the Sarah Jane Smith (no relation)character, played by the actress Elisabeth Sladen. Later on in life, my Aunt, a champion knitter, actually hand-made a 10?replica of his trademark scarf - mind you, not the full-length 14-20? version - for mysixteenth birthday. Have I ever mentioned just how damned cool I was considered in high-school? Yeah. Anyways, if you think the whole scarf thing is nuts, check out this website devoted todocumenting all them over the relevant seasons, right down to the patterns. Meanwhile, I was religiouslyholding up my old-school Panasonic shoebox-style cassette recorder right up next to the TVspeaker, so as to actually tape the intro music to this show whenever it played. Over and over. EventuallyI filled up most of one side of a sixty-minute cassette tape so I could replayit at leisure. Fast-forward over thirty years later, and now I can watch every theme from1963 ? 2010... all compiled together into one video. It still doesn?t get old, and neither do I.


list of cartoon characters cartoon tattoos turn yourself into a cartoon pictures of cartoon characters cartoon family

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