Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cleveland, Juxtapoz, sketchbook vault, oh my

In case you haven?t heard, I?m illustrating a full length graphic novel, 100 plus pages, with Harvey Pekar titled ?HARVEY PEKAR?S CLEVELAND,? and I gotta say, so far it?s coming along pretty good. I?m nearing page 20 and everyone seems to be pretty happy with what they?ve seen, including Harvey. He called me last night asking to see more pages. I?ve gotta mail him stuff every few weeks because he refuses to use e-mail. He still hasn?t got to the point of having call waiting or even an answering machine! It?s been a lot of fun drawing this stuff, but I?ve never had to work harder in my life. In order to get this thing done on time i?ve gotta draw at least 2 pages a week, and I?m still working my day job 3-4 days a week, so it?s essentially been non-stop work lately. But I can?t complain. This is the life i?ve chosen. In other Pekar news, There?s a big article in the latest (july 2010) issue of JUXTAPOZ all about the Pekar Project, with a great interview with Harvey and several full page illustrations of all of our drawings! You must check this out! JUXTAPOZ is one of the few art magazine?s that people actually still care about because there?s actually cool artwork in it! Have you ever looked at an issue of Art Forum? That thing is the biggest snooze fest I?ve ever seen. Or maybe I?m just too dumb to get it.

Also, Thank you to all of you who have purchased a copy of my comic, BLINDSPOT #1. I?ve already received a lot of good feedback about it, which I greatly appreciate. One of my favorite cartoonist?s, Joe Matt, particularly liked it, and it got a nice review from GRAPHIC NYC. Hopefully more reviews will come in soon. If you haven?t bought it yet then BUY IT already! What are you waiting for!? Don?t you realize that by not buying it you are actively telling me that you hope I fail in life. Oh, and if you know how I can get this thing in some actually stores, please let me know. Alright, until next time, here?s a few drawings from my sketchbook.....


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