Friday, April 15, 2011

Goodbye My Facebook Friends: Don't Take It Personally

I have just defriended most of my friends on Facebook. I was at about 2,000 friends and now I am down to about 750 friends.

I tried to use the rule, do I remember meeting you at least once in person, in real life. If so, then I left you as a friend.

But if I defriended you and I shouldn't have, please add me as a friend again and I will review it more carefully.

Note: I always accepted friend requests on Facebook. I will now screen all friends prior to accepting or rejecting requests.

That being said, let me show you some of the friends I defriended.

The Porn Stars:

Defriending Facebook Friends

SEO Companies:

Defriending Facebook Friends

Outsource To India:

Defriending Facebook Friends

What's Your Name:

Defriending Facebook Friends

Swim Suit:

Defriending Facebook Friends

I got the best friends ever!


cartoon zombie cartoon network cartoons funny cartoon videos cartoon star cartoon monsters

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