Saturday, April 16, 2011

HnC Vault: Overseas Contingency

Originally published March 27, 2009

Also, instead of "Commander in Chief," the President's title will now be "Obfuscation Executive Extraordinaire."

Update 3/26/11

This cartoon was plucked from the past (exactly two years ago) because of the president's latest assault on the English language. After firing over 100 cruise missiles into Libya, dropping bombs, attacking Muammar Gadhafi's residence, and generally blowing the hell out of a lot of things, the Whitehouse has declared that none of this is "war" - it's simply a "kinetic military action." Which, we suppose, means that nobody will get "killed" - they'll just assume "non-kinetic status."

And here's another "man-caused disaster" in the language department: we're sick of hearing Barack Hussein Obama saying that "our policy is that Gadhafi has to go," but then emphasize that it doesn't mean we'll do anything to make him go.

Here's a news bulletin, Mr. president: "policy" is kinetic. It isn't what you hope for, it's what you do. If you say that American policy is for Gadhafi to go, then it means we intend to take whatever actions are necessary to make it happen. And if we're not prepared to do that, then it isn't "policy" - it's simply self-serving, political wordplay.

Very dangerous wordplay.


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