Sunday, April 24, 2011

How Governor Walker's Budget Impacts My Hometown

I live in a small village of less than 6,000. From the village's March newsletter:
"The Legislative Fiscal Bureau has calculated what [the village] would lose in just its Shared Revenue and General Transportation payments and what savings would be available through the recently passed Budget Adjustment Bill. The net result is that [the village] would lose $159,618 in revenue in 2012. [Emphasis sic.]

"If the proposed elimination of funding for the recycling program is included, the loss ... is $187,618 from just these three programs. Additional reduction in other state aid are anticipated but not well defined at this point.

"What does this mean for residents? The General Fund Budget is less than $4M. The proposed cuts would be approximately a 5% cut in Village revenue. Cuts of this size will affect the ability of [the village] to continue to provide the current level of services. Reductions in a workforce that now consists of only 18 full time positions is likely. All services, including police protection, snow plowing, street repairs, and park maintenance will have to be on the table."


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