Friday, April 15, 2011


It must get mighty lonely out there all alone on the boat, falling under the spell of the Atlantic. Meanwhile, Botticelli is spinning in his grave. 
Given the momentary pause and nervous laughter after flipping over to this page in my portfolio it became prudent to slightly edit the image. Sometimes you forget the rest of the world doesn't share your sensibilities when it comes to depictions of the human form, not to mention lobster mermaids are kinda creepy and weird for some. So it can be handy to have another pair of eyeballs editorially peek at work in progress, as the judicious last-minute addition of shell pasties will attest to. Watercolored version under the fold - sans pasties, which I guess by default qualifies it as a work of fine art.


make a cartoon of yourself cartoon myself how to make a cartoon on the computer make yourself into a cartoon cartoon drawings

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