Monday, April 25, 2011

Off On The Wrong Foot

Following the alleged burning of a copy of the Koran by half-wit, inbred, attention-seeking Florida pastor Terry Jones, riots swept through Afghanistan in which huge mobs of peace-loving Muslims killed 30 people, injured over 150 more, with the numbers expected to rise.

Hope n' Change wants to be very, very clear: Terry Jones is an idiot, a zealot and a provocateur. None of which we actually need these days to keep the world from becoming boring.

But he didn't kill anyone.

And if the media and government want to insist "he should have known better," they can only do so by simultaneously conceding that there is a greater and more volatile danger to the West from the Islamic world in general than we're being told. "Religion of Peace" and "huge, murderous mobs" are just not phrases that can logically coexist.

Of course, when insanity characterizes both sides of any issue, we can rely on our government to immediately intercede with insanity of its own. In this case, Senator Lindsey Graham (best known for his beloved starring role in the TV sitcom "NewsRadio") has come forward to suggest that this might be a good time to amend the First Amendment to make it a crime to burn a Koran (although burning American flags and urinating on images of Jesus are still okay...and in fact are eligible for generous government funding).

After which, if it will help keep the peace, we suppose it could be made a crime to utter any
criticism of Islam in America. Or for women to show their hair in public. Or their faces. Or to give a child a sexually ambiguous name like "Lindsey."

In the end, it's not impossible to keep "the religion of peace" from turning violent. It's as easy as letting them (or helping them) burn our Constitution.



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