Friday, April 22, 2011

Out To Launch

After posing the question "When is a war not a war?" with his Libyan invasion, Barack Obama is now causing people to ask "When is a missile defense system not a missile defense system?" And the answer is: "when you give the controls to the people who might shoot missiles at you."

Because Russia is demanding (not
asking, as would be the case if we had a president more intimidating than a kitten wearing a pink ribbon) that the United States give them the ultimate decision-making authority about whether or not we can launch our own anti-ballistic missiles when either we, or our allies, are under attack.

Perhaps the Russians got the idea when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton previously gifted them with a large red "launch" button, which was
supposed to have the Russian word for "reset" on it, but actually said "overload." Oops!

Or maybe the Russians figured out that Barack Hussein Obama is a lousy negotiator and decided to really go for broke ("We'll tell him we want to rape America's women, kill America's dogs, and get control of their missile defenses... and then let him talk us out of the women and dogs!")

In any event, the mere existence of stories like this one make
our heads explode.



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