Saturday, April 16, 2011


As of right now, I am no longer in Double Negative for a couple reasons. This has been a hard decision to make but I am stepping down mainly because I do not have enough sufficent time to devote to the band and all of the things that the band could do in... the future. I didn't know just how much time I could devote to it given the situation of my life now with two kids and a surgery for Willow on the horizon but this seems to be the right thing to do.

I would like to thank everybody out there who has enjoyed the band. It was a special thing to me and the fact that we spent five years together is not lost on me. i feel like I played some kick ass music, we got a chance to go to all of these great places and travel all because of this band that we started on a lark. I am proud of what we have done and of our records. I feel like it got better and better, the newest stuff is the best stuff, and I feel like I am going out on top of my game. It meant a lot to me and I am going to miss it. I hope down the line I will be able to play music very soon again. Maybe I could be a session drummer or something, who knows.

I wish the rest of the band the best of luck in the future, and thanks again for your support.


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