Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Were You Doing When You Were 21?

Above: What Bil Keane was up to when he was 21 years old.

This year the National Cartoonists Society celebrates its 65th year. The organization has been thru its toddler stage, teenage years, middle age -- but let's take a look at the April 1965 edition of The Cartoon!st magazine, way back when the NCS had its 21st birthday.

Here are a few highlights from a 1965 photo feature from that April 1965 Cartoon!st mag that asks NCS members what they were doing back when they themselves were 21 years old. The complete photos, all 40 of them, follow below.

Bill Holman:

Paul Fung:

Jerry Dumas:

Prolific gag cartoonist Chon Day:

Here's a the complete 1965 "What Were You Doing When You Were 21?" photo feature:

Hat tip to Don Orehek! Thanks, Don!


cartoon drawing lessons cartoon drawings of people cartoon alligator cartoon money cartoon flowers

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